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Posts tagged “character name change

Starcraft 2 Free Character Name Change!

Did you name your Starcraft 2 character something to the tune of “LOLZIWIN” or “OMGWTFBBQ” just for fun, yet now you are in Diamond league and you realize that having a name like that is not so fun after all. Now you wanted to have a name cool enough for people to remember you in case they see you playing in ladders, tournaments, showmatches, etc. If you feel the need to change your character name you can now rejoice because Blizzard will give you the chance to do it, FOR FREE! They realized that people initially created their character names with no knowledge of its significance in the game so they are willing to give you this one time free character name change. However, any desired name changes in the future will be charged to the player, something akin to the World of Warcraft name change feature. All we can do now is wait until we get more information from Blizzard on when and how this will be implemented.

Read on to see Blizzard’s official statement.
