Community blog for Starcraft 2 Philippines

No New Client Needed for NA Access

It looks like we don’t need to have a separate installation of Starcraft 2 for the NA access after all. Blizzard announced that choosing between the SEA and NA servers would be through either an in-game selector or a small program that will enable our SEA clients to connect to the NA servers. This is progress on their part, as many people are really experiencing latency issues connecting to the SEA server.

Hopefully once we have connection to NA, people can play on the server where there is less lag. My only fear about this is that currently there are not that many SEA players, and having this NA access will split up the players more. We might end up with less players in the SEA region, and it can be a huge blow to the e-sports scene for SEA.


2 responses

  1. So I guess this implies that Philippine SC2 players are currently in the SEA region? I’ve been trying to figure out whether Filipino SC2 players can play in the North America region – or really what SC2 region is the Philippines in?

    This region locking is unbelievably lame when you’ve got friends scattered across the world. I only hope that they’ll release their update soon to fix the situation for at least some of their users.


    August 24, 2010 at 9:59 am

    • Most Filipinos are on the SEA servers but everyone who’s playing on SEA will eventually be given access to play on the NA server. Blizzard promised to give the access within 60 days of release so I guess there is still a month before we see that happening.

      August 24, 2010 at 2:29 pm

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